01 January 2022

How We Spoiled Our Kids

Post World War II, the world did not recover immediately. Being a child living in this period was really tough. Your parents were war survivors. The trauma of war was embedded in their mentality. And in the way they treated their children, too. 

Maltreated by their parents, those children grew up as rebellious pacifists. They fed themselves marijuana and advocated free sex. Those were the years of the Beatles and the Vietnam War. “Imagine there’s no country, no religion, too.” (Imagine, 1971). They were the Baby Boomers of the sixties and seventies. This generation did produce a lot of offspring.

Baby boomers love their children. However, broke. They praised the hippy’s lifestyle. Free from material needs. Just be happy. They did not spend a lot on toys for their children: Gen X. Us.

Gen X spoiled and pampered their children with gadgets and toys. The economy has improved a lot. The employment rate raised up. 

With their economic might, Gen X parents give whatever their children ask for easily. Toys. Gadgets. Jewelry. Cars. Even going on holiday overseas.  Things they could not get from their parents. 

This irresponsible spending gave birth to Generation Y, dubbed the Millennial Generation.  

Acting overly entitled, being overly certain. Not really understand entrepreneurship but jumped into it without thinking twice. Impatient, not willing to take time to learn. Easily give up and expect everything will be provided for them. They also have zero manners.

On the flip side, they are technologically savvy and connected. They like working in a collaborative environment with others. They are usually well-educated, too. 

Their impulsive decision to quit a job in a split-second thought, wheezes Gen-X who would have given much longer time to meditate on the same decision. This impulsive quitting sends the wrong message as if Gen-Y is a fearless generation.  

But those qualities did not come from heaven. Those who idolize the Millennial generation thought they were God-sent. A special breed of the human being. “Children of the future,” they said.

In reality, their behaviors are just a by-product of our irresponsible spending on them. 

This is what you get when you spoil your children.